Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of Telegram, was detained by French authorities at Le Bourget airport near Paris on Saturday evening. The 39-year-old Franco-Russian entrepreneur was apprehended following his arrival from Baku, Azerbaijan, under charges linked to his widely used messaging platform.
Sources disclosed that Durov’s arrest was ordered by France’s Office for the Prevention of Violence against Minors (OFMIN), which had issued a warrant as part of a broader investigation into various alleged crimes. These charges include fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime, and the promotion of terrorism. The authorities accuse Durov of failing to curb illegal activities conducted via Telegram, which has been criticized for its encrypted messaging system that allows for anonymity.
The arrest has surprised many, particularly as Durov, a known advocate for digital privacy and freedom, was aware of the legal pressures against him. One investigator expressed astonishment that Durov traveled to Paris, despite knowing he was wanted by French law enforcement.
Telegram, based in Dubai, has carved out a niche as a privacy-focused alternative to other messaging platforms, particularly those based in the United States, which have often been scrutinized for exploiting user data. Durov has consistently maintained that Telegram prioritizes user privacy and does not share information with third parties, including governments.
Durov’s legal troubles come amid growing concerns in various countries over Telegram’s role in facilitating criminal activities due to its strong encryption. Despite these concerns, the platform continues to be popular, boasting over 900 million active users as of April 2024.
In a rare interview earlier this year with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, Durov discussed the inception of Telegram, revealing that the idea was born out of his resistance to pressure from the Russian government during his time at VKontakte (VK), a social network he founded before leaving Russia in 2014. Since then, Durov has lived in various cities, including Berlin, London, and San Francisco, before settling in Dubai, which he praised for its favorable business environment and neutrality.
Durov is expected to appear in court on Sunday to face the charges brought against him. The case could have significant implications for the future of Telegram and its commitment to user privacy.